Sunday, April 03, 2011

1st day of school

Last week, Carter had his first day of school here in London! We found a preschool here, which they call nursery, for ages 3 to 5. He goes 3 afternoons a week for two and a half hours at a time, where they do arts and crafts, music, learning and playing! They have a garden and pond outside, where they get to plant vegetables and flowers and even a pet bunny! So far the transition has gone well; I think he really needed some time with kids his own age again. He even has an admirer already! His teacher told me on Wednesday that one of the little girls in his class said: 'he's such a lovely boy'! :)  It starts so young! 

They have to wear these smocks to school as a kind of uniform/clothing protector. We decorated Carter's with   spiders, webs and t-rex buttons on the pockets!

It's been nice to have sometime with just Averie too while Carter is at school. It's not really enough time to come back home since it takes about 20 minutes to walk there. So we usually go to a playground or hit up a cafe nearby for a treat!