It was such a beautiful day today! Not a cloud in the sky and it was over 20 degrees! Great weather for Carter's first football practise! We haven't really put him in an organized sport before so football was the obvious choice here! He's in the Wednesday morning class for 3 to 4 year olds at The Little Foxes Club. They spent the first class doing different drills with the ball. He loved every minute of it!
During nap time today, Carter and I decided to make some cheese scones. Carter is in love with scones with clotted cream and jam since our afternoon tea adventure, so we decided to try to make some of our own. The tricky part was that most recipes I found had the ingredients measured in grams... how strange! I guess I need a countertop scale? After googling some measurement conversion calculators, we were on our way!
(yes that's our wash machine in our tiny kitchen in the background you see! ;) )
Inevitably, some of the dough ended up as dinosaur tail...
So good! Next time we'll have to attempt some of that clotted cream to go with them!
After nap time, Averie woke up asking to go to the playground. Hard to resist on such a beautiful day, so we set off to a nearby park, where Carter could ride his bike and Averie could slide.
Checking out what the "big girls" are doing
I think someone had a growth spurt since last summer... this bike is not going to make it through the summer for this big guy!
Just as we were about to head home for dinner, an ice cream truck pulled up and all the kids went running! Nice timing, right before dinner! Ahhh!